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Big Girl Money

Nov 18, 2022

Interview begins at (14:14).

Our fabulous guest today is best-selling author and sought out executive coach for leaders in IT, Technology and Engineering, Morag Barrett! Her company has worked with over 15,000 leaders from 20 countries and on 4 continents to up their leadership game. Our discussion today is all about...

Nov 3, 2022

NO we're not talking about washing your pits (although you definitely should do that if you aren't already).

We're talking about mental health hygiene! Today's Big Girl Skill is all about making remote work work for you! There are many healthy habits we might lose when we transition to a remote work environment, but if...

Oct 20, 2022

Interview begins at (14:45)

Our guest today is Head of the Open Source Program Office at Amazon, Nithya Ruff. She gives us a lesson in Open Source 101 including how it came to be and the power it has to harness the work of millions of developers around the world. We also discuss networking, building a brand, mentoring,...

Sep 29, 2022

In this episode of Big Girl Money, we recap Roni's wedding and honeymoon! We also discuss Wendy's first anniversary trip to Key West.

Skip to (21:39) to hear Wendy's talk with Madeline Schwarz. They discuss the two things to stop doing to the introverts on your team and the 4 tips for getting the most out of ALL the...

Sep 8, 2022

After a devastating fire impacted four of their properties and burned down one rental, Wendy and Chris decided to spend the next 14 months on the road in four different locations. In this age of working remotely from anywhere, they share their approach to finding their happy place and home away from home. #liveliketourists